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Thrive Education & Mentoring Program 


1: to grow vigorously : FLOURISH

2: to gain in wealth or possessions : PROSPER

3: to progress toward or realize a goal despite or because of circumstances

Thrive Education & Mentoring Program

Our Thrive Education Mentoring program connects committed college students with local youth and aim to teach them about educational access and equity.

Description: Thrive aims to close the opportunity gap for youth living in under-resourced communities by providing programming and mentorship. Mentors and mentees meet to build community through shared activities, both in groups and one-on-one. 

THRIVE boosts educational expectations and aspirations.

Just 9% of youth from low-income families receive a four-year degree. Our aim is to make sure our youth know that they can achieve anything and provide them with the necessary skills to overcome obstacles. Youth who have trusting adult relationships are 52% less likely than their peers to skip school. They are also significantly more likely to enroll in college. 

The Opportunity Gap is a root cause of why almost half of low-income children become low-income adults.

Data excerpted from The Dream Program.

Income-based differences in access to out-of-school-time activities greatly affect later outcomes and may be just as meaningful as test scores in determining educational attainment. Children from low-income housing have less than $1,000 a year spent on out-of-school enrichment activities, compared to over $7,000 from wealthier households. More than half of the achievement gap between lower- and higher-income youth can be explained by unequal access to learning opportunities during the months that they are not in school. 

Thank you for helping close the opportunity gap!

We seek a world in which our children have the opportunities, resources, and relationships necessary to achieve their dreams. Your gift helps close the gap in trusting relationships, summer enrichment, out-of-school experiences, and post-secondary support for children in low-income households. 

Here are some ways you can donate:

In Person

One Alliance Center
3500 Lenox Rd North, Suite 1500

Atlanta, GA 30326 


Make a tax deductible donation‏.

Over the Phone

It's easy to donate offline too.

Tel: 404-996-4066

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